The Revolution of Custom Quantum Dots

Quantum dots is a term describing materials that are smaller and thinner than a hair. The public, in general, is not aware of all the researches conducted in the world of the almost invisible. Quantum dots are not produced by nature. The theory of their existence first appeared at the beginning of the 1970s. Quantum dots, or QDs, can be described as almost invisible seized crystal made by humans. The interest of these crystals is to possess exclusive properties concerning the treatment of light, and they can be used in electronics as well. When the QDs are exposed to UV light, various colours are then produced and the QDs have the capacity to convey electrons.

What are the possible applications of quantum dots ?

The applications so far are including developments in the integration of QDs in existing materials or in the creation of functions. The attonuclei website explains about the company behind all these discoveries and the different functions. In general, three fields of science are concerned:

  • nanobiotechnologies;
  • nanoelectronics;
  • nanomaterials.

Nanobiotechnologies are going to bring a revolution in the field of science, medicine, and biology. The use of nanoparticles will ease the principle of binding, hence transforming the possible applications and developments of biological properties. Clearly, in the coming years, it means that drugs will be prepared, tested and developed directly from the structure of the cells of a person, and the direct connection to a computer. These new processes will cancel forever the testing on living animals. Furthermore, the length of time necessary to develop new drugs will be dramatically shortened. Our future environment will resemble nothing humans have ever seen before. The living conditions are going to be totally transformed. The use of nanoelectronics, for example, is going to allow to monitor the health of the individuals as closely as the bacteria in the mouth. Tattoos will be able to provide information about the glucose person wearing the tattoo. These are the immediate functions in the coming years.

It must be put into perspectives. Once a step towards a certain type of progress is made, then other ideas of inventions are surging. The QDs provides the grounding for improving and transforming the environment. Another very important area is all what is linked with the emission of light. QDs used to make LEDs will transform the way light is emitted and the control of its production. Another major transformation is connected to nanomaterials. These are almost invisible materials characterized by their very small size. Despite the difficulty to manipulate such small entities, it is very useful and practical to include these elements in existing materials. The newly formed structure will a lot more resistant, enduring, and lighter. Many sectors are eager to see the concept developing fast. In the building sector for example, a lighter cement but more resistant and stronger will facilitate the activities like never before. The clothing industry is also avid for new improvements to secure lighter but with a longer life duration clothes, and hence diminishing the need for production and waste of materials, with all the consequences for the environment.


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